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Book: Shinobue Jotatsu Lesson: 50 Pointers for Improvement, Japanese Only


Book: Shinobue Jotatsu Lesson: 50 Pointers for Improvement, Japanese Only

Product #: B0010
Price: ¥2,750 / USD19
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Japanese Texts Only

--- Main Contents --- Editing Supervisor: Kazuya Sato
Understanding the basics is essential to progress!
Point 1
The more you know about shinobue, the better you can play! ~About the flute
Point 2
The more you know about shinobue, the better you can play! ~History and Culture
Point 3
Stretching your body to play freely
Total 12 points
Let's practice correctly based on knowledge!
Point 13
Good sound is not a sound with little breath noise!
Point 14
Let's relax our body to play with ease!
Point 15
A "good flute" is a flute that you feel most comfortable with.
14 points in total
The key to progress is to know the current situation correctly to improve.
Point 27
When you begin to play a little, you will find the turning point of your progress!
Point 28
When you understand the logic of how the pitch of a note changes, you can improve your pitch.
Point 29
It is important to have a "conversation with the flute" when putting emotion into the sound.
18 points in total
Giving up egotism will bring a good performance!
Point 45
Practice repeatedly, and play by heart before the performance!
Point 46
When playing outdoors, minimize the influence of wind.
Point 47
Mistakes are inevitable! Prevent them as much as possible, but be prepared for them!
6 points in total
<111 pages>

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