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CD Bridge of Sound-Dokyoku Performed on Jinashi Shakuhachi- by Takeo Izumi


CD Bridge of Sound-Dokyoku Performed on Jinashi Shakuhachi- by Takeo Izumi

Product #: C0220
Price: ¥2,619 / RUB1,695
Ships within 7 days

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Contents: Koku(Performed on 2.62), Tamuke(Performed on 2.4), San'ya(Performed on 2.9), ,Shi(Performed on 2.22), San'an(Performed on 2.22), Shin no Kyorei(Performed on 2.62), Daha (Performed on 2.22), Rinsen Chosho(Performed on 2.9),

See the youtube interview of the author, Takeo Izumi.

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