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Hajimete no Shakuhachi (Beginner's Guide to Shakuhachi)-English


Hajimete no Shakuhachi (Beginner's Guide to Shakuhachi)-English

Product #: B0503
Price: ¥5,280 / USD36
In Stock

4.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Written by a leading shakuhachi player, Keisuke Zenyoji. Designed for the shakuhachi learner. Pictures and text teach how to maintain the instrument, finger and mouth positioning and producing notes, scales and songs. Shakuhachi history and different schools.

A print-out English translation comes with the original book along with a practice CD. (music only)


:::NEWS::: This book is available in Russian!! Click here for the Russian version. (Translated by M. Natalya) Thank you friends!

Product reviews

An excellent guide, but I am a bit disappointed

Average: 4 (1 vote)
Submitted by dnaess on Sat, 2015/01/17 - 5:41pm
While this book contains a wealth of information, I am disappointed that the author chose to use western musical notation instead of shakuhachi musical notation. In my opinion learning shakuhachi musical notation is a fundamental element of learning the shakuhachi. While the 1.8 is the standard instrument (and my instrument), the western notation is for a 1.6 (Key of E rather than a Key of D.) I see two alternative solutions for future printings: Either use shakuhachi notation so that the music can be played AS WRITTEN on any shakuhachi, or print different editions for each length (1.6 edition, 1.8 edition, etc.) I am delighted that this book has finger positions for a full chromatic scale. Another BIG plus is the "Trouble Shooting" section for beginners.

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