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Book: How to Play the Shinobue


Book: How to Play the Shinobue

Product #: B9001
Price: ¥2,200 / USD15
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Japanese texts only. This introductory book provides easy explanations of how to handle and set up the shinobue flute, the basics of shinobue notation, and playing techniques, using photographs and illustrations. Includes a variety of practice pieces, making it fun to learn. Learn how to play the flute correctly and enjoy the benefits of the Japanese bamboo flute. 37 songs. 80 pages. Written and edited by Kimpu Ishidaka. No staff noation.


Hama Chidori

Yuyake Koyake 

Haru no Ogawa



Rokudan no Shirabe

Sato no Aki

Mura Matsuri

Shiki no Uta

Fuyu Geshiki

Soshu Yakyoku

Fuefuki Doji

Amazing Grace

Kaze no Torimichi

Always with me

Hey Let's Go! 

Princess Mononoke and many others.


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