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Real Gold Powder for Kintsugi Repair


Real Gold Powder for Kintsugi Repair

Product #: UM0308
Price: ¥11,000 / USD76
Ships within 3 days

0.0/5 ( vote cast)

1 gram = 0.0352 oz. A.K.A. Keshifun (Matte type Keshifun, No polishing)


Similar to calcium and iron, gold is a mineral that is safe to eat, though it is not a crucial part of our diet.

Thus gold is an all-natural mineral/approved food that is non-toxic and exhibits no interactions with other drugs, and is easily tolerated by the body!


A step-by-step Kintsugi instructional video on youtube!

Genuine gold powder for Kintsugi Repair.

22.7k, 4.9% Silver, 0.66% Copper.  Made in Japan

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