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1.8 Kinko Shiro Antique Rare Shakuhachi Bamboo Flute **Listen**


1.8 Kinko Shiro Antique Rare Shakuhachi Bamboo Flute **Listen**

Product #: 5182204
Price: ¥687,500 /
In Stock

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1.8 Kinko Shiro Antique Rare Shakuhachi Bamboo Flute
Cap 6.0, Joint 35.1/35.8 mm, Weight 346 grams, One-owner only,
Comes with a leather cap and a fabric bag.
About the Maker: Shiro Yamaguchi
He was the founder of Chikumeisha in 1921 and contributed to the development of the shakuhachi.
Shiro Yamaguchi was also passionate about shakuhachi manufacturing and produced instruments with unique characteristics.
His shakuhachi is treasured even today among shakuhachi enthusiasts.
Shiro passed away in 1963 at the age of 78, and his son, Goro Yamaguchi (1933-1999), a Living National Treasure, succeeded to the Chikumeisha.
Shiro shakuhachi are rarely traded as secondhand and are a rare gem.
There are no parts to be repaired at this time.
It plays a soft, elegant sound which are characteristic to antique shakuhachi.
*No exchange or refunds for antique flutes.
*MADE IN JAPAN with a domestic madake bamboo.
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